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The Shocking Truth About Vaping, Now!
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The shocking truth about vaping and how you can break free before it's too late It starts out innocently enough doesn't it You can tell yourself at least it's better than smoking or maybe it even feels trendy harmless or just a little stress reliever But here's the cold hard truth Vaping is not safe It's not a safe alternative but you've been led to believe that it is supposed to be The tragic passing of a well-known and liked young gentleman celebrity is a wake-up call to all of us He thought he was just using a better option like so many others but excessive vaping claimed his life leaving his family shattered and the world asking why.

To Your Success!
Aidan Noone @

DISCLAIMER: Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience and research. You are strongly advised to consult with your medical physician in all medically related matters for professional medical advice and attention. I do not practice medicine. There is no guarantee as there are many variables that will impact your success. Everything stated should be taken as opinion.