Here's how YOU can use the power of Your mind to overcome many negative feelings and beliefs you may have. Your mind holds power to initiate change right now.
And rightfully you ask me : How do I do that. You see there is a very powerful capacity you have right inside you and yet you may not be consciously aware of it. It's the ability to use the power of your mind by using a natural gift you already possess and that gift is "YOUR" hypnosis. Many times during the day you automatically adopt a frame of mind that enables you to achieve a certain task and it's proven that by being in "YOUR" hypnotic frame of mind that you are at your optimum best. You achieve much. Jus think about the times when you are really working so well and you are being very productive, doesn't time just fly by? And you ask: "where did the time go." Thats hypnosis, "YOUR" hypnosis. Yes "YOUR" hypnosis. Let me just demonstrate a simple hypnotic technique. I promise you there will be many more powerful convincing examples of "YOUR" hypnosis as we go forward into future videos.
Ok, lets being. I am presuming you are in a quite place where you can prove to yourself the power of "YOUR" hypnosis. In a place where you can engage yourself with this simple proof of "YOUR" hypnosis. Together, we will harness the power of "YOUR" hypnosis to achieve lots more as we progress!
Just close your eyes. and hold out your dominant hand, your right hand or your left hand. Doesn't matter which one. Just imagine that I'm placing in your hand a big juicy bright yellow lemon, feel the weight of it! In fact you might even begin to get the fragrance of the big juicy lemon just as it sits in your hand. And just imagine what it would feel and taste like when you bring the lemon up to your mouth and bite into it? Just imagine what it would be like to do that!
Now what do you notice?
Let me know how well you got on using the power of your hypnosis. Please let me know by dropping a comment in the comments below and let me know how you got on?