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Hello again, and thanks for being with me here today. So no matter where you are or maybe you're alone, maybe you're with somebody, maybe you're not feeling too good. So just bear with me, and, let's have a little chat. And what I want to talk to you today about is how do you take things personally? Yes. Think about that. Do you take things personally? Because when when feelings are very, very strong, they automatically overwhelm our rational intelligence and prevent a more subtle or wider viewpoint from being considered. In other words, that we're blocked off from resourcefulness or resources that exist or in our consciousness mind somewhere, and we're not able to access them. But do you take things personally? Because it matters how personally you take things, take events, and how pervasive, and how permanent you think the effects will be.
Consider this. If dinner didn't taste good, and you were the cook, would you tend automatically to think that it was your fault? Would you fail to think about whether the meal stayed in the oven too too long? Or perhaps because people you were cooking for arrived late to eat it, or whether the recipe instructions we're unclear. Perhaps you add a little a little too much salt. Would you worry about it for some time afterwards, berating yourself for spoiling the occasion rather than than just apologizing, shrugging it off and forgetting about it. Yes. How pervasive do you think events will be. In other words, pervasive being having a general broad application in your everyday life, affect affecting you, affecting you. So if you lost your job or failed to get offer the new one that you really wanted.
Would you tend to lose heart in everything? Might you see your whole life as a failure and respond negatively to suggestions from others that you should start looking in past years, new for a new job. How permanently do you think the effects will be for you? After all we're talking about you, wherever you are, or whoever you may be. After losing a job or failing to get a new one, would you think I'll never find that job, another job? If you failed an important exam, would you view your whole life, your entire life as a as a failure, being delighted by that 1 single event. Think of some of the setbacks or sorrows that are making you miserable in your life now, and ask yourself the same sort of questions as to how you are responding to them, as opposed to reacting to them, responding or reacting. And I suppose in an ideal world, to respond is the more mature, the more resourceful, the far better place to be rather than reacting. Because when people take things personally and interpret events as having a far bigger or longer lasting impact than the the kid than is re really the case. They are overemphasizing or exacerbating the black and white thinking style of the emotional brain by generating more and more emotion. And I introduced, you know, the concept of cause and effect.
Now it's not the standard understand understanding of what cause and effect is, of what cause and effect, our understanding of what we mean when we say cause and effect, it's different. And I want you to consider this the difference of this. Because when you are at cause when you are at cause, you are the author of what happens. You are the instigator of what happens, you are the one who is detailing what it is you want in your life, what it is you want happening. However, when you are at effect, you are at the effect of other people, of other situations, situations outside of yourself, maybe organizations out of yours outside of yourself, you are at effect. In other words, I like to think of it that you hand away or hand over to that organization or that person or that whatever it is, you hand to them your remote control. And you say, look, go ahead, press my buttons, and I'll do what you want me to do. Or rather than saying, look.