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June 13, 2023

Session 77 - When Is A Problem A Symptom and What YOU Need To Know?

Session 77 - When Is A Problem A Symptom and What YOU Need To Know?
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Aidan Noone, Creator of the Neuro-Easy Way. “Empowering mind and body solutions for unstoppable transformation.”

When is a Problem a Symptom? What YOU need to know. When YOU present to me with Your problem or issue, YOU might begin to tell me about the symptoms YOU are experiencing, the discomfort you experience, and sometimes the pain you are experiencing.

Perhaps YOU might present as a smoker wanting to become a non-smoker. Or do YOU want to lose weight? Or do YOU have an addiction? YOU name it.  Whatever the symptom is, YOU describe to me in detail YOUR experience. Whatever YOUR presenting symptom is, that's exactly what it is, it's a symptom. And like all symptoms, a symptom is a sign that something is not quite right within YOU. You might be shocked about what I'm about to say. 90 plus percent of the time, the stated problem is not the problem. 

It's just a symptom of something deeper. I'll say that again, 90 plus percent of the time, the stated problem is not the problem.  It's a symptom of something deeper. The problem is usually something else, the smoking, the nail-biting, anxiety, and weight problem, are symptoms of something deeper.  That something is usually outside of your conscious awareness. And when it's outside of YOUR conscious awareness, it usually resides in the unconscious mind - the deeper mind. No matter how logical YOU seem to YOURSELF when you tell YOURSELF what YOU think the problem is or how convinced YOU are of what the cause is - be reassured, what YOU believe is the cause of YOUR presenting symptom usually has very little to do with it.  

YOU just speak your best guess. Now that's not YOUR fault. It's just YOU attempting to do the best YOU can for YOURSELF. That's normal and natural to want to do that! Most of YOUR problems exist at an unconscious (subconscious) mind) level.  If YOU knew what the real problem is, YOU would fix it. Wouldn't YOU? You'd be crazy not to want to do it, YOURSELF? Wouldn't YOU?

When YOU seek out the appropriate professional help available, YOU are put in a place where YOU can fix the problem YOURSELF in YOUR own mind with the assistance of the therapist present or virtually present. So what I want YOU to do now, please, is, to think of YOUR problem and or symptom in a new way, knowing that the symptom is just a symptom. The real issue lies at an unconscious mind level. Appropriate and suitable professional practitioners are available, it's just a manner of being discerning and checking out who is the best option for YOU.

Making a personal breakthrough is probably a lot easier than YOU ever thought possible.

If you like this video, let me know. I've lots more material to share with YOU.

Thanks for being here and watching and listening.

Bye, bye for NOW!

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