Please Tell Me How I Can Help YOU Reach YOUR Goals And Outcomes
Oct. 25, 2022

Session 69 - Want to Make That Wanted Breakthrough? Why Not Start That Process Now?

Session 69 - Want to Make That Wanted Breakthrough? Why Not Start That Process Now?
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Aidan Noone, Creator of the Neuro-Easy Way. “Empowering mind and body solutions for unstoppable transformation.”

Hi, I have a question for you! What I'm about to say may apply to you, but may not necessarily apply to you. Perhaps you may know someone who would benefit from what I'm about to say to you. If so, please pass this on to them. You are probably doing them an enormous favour. Did you know that you don't have to remain stuck, yes stuck in a rut, yet knowing deep down inside yourself, in that part of you that knows everything, there is to know, you somehow know there is more, you know you want to make changes in your life and yet don't know how! Remember, you were born into this world not feeling the way you currently feel or not believing what you currently believe. Or perhaps you have a limiting belief about who you and what you can achieve. A feeling of being stuck! This stuckness is probably a protection mechanism. Yes, a protection mechanism. Maybe being afraid of what other people think of you, or have an unrealistic belief you have about yourself, that you're not good enough. Or that you'll never succeed. You see, It all started way back when Man and indeed Woman were hunters, hunting for their food or being hunted for food. From that, we get the flight, flight, or freeze response. To fight the Saber Tooth Tiger or run away from it to safety if we can. Or we freeze. Science tells us that, the memory of the Sabretooth Tiger remains engrained in our deeper mind and we operate in the same way today that our ancient forefathers reacted. The freeze response, as mentioned above, is a protection mechanism. Protection from what you may ask? We are no longer hunted by a Sabre Tooth Tiger yet we experience the same emotional response/reaction as if we are being hunted. Strange isn't it? You are probably familiar with what I'm saying. If you can identify with what I've just said, it's probably somewhat reassuring: that you're not alone. Thousands of people feel that way. Yet thats not very consoling, is it? You know what? You don't have to feel that way. You don't have to feel that way or You don't have to have those same old limiting beliefs about yourself. Isn't it time you did something about it, Now? Henry Ford is credited with the following statement: " Whether you think you can or you think you can't," You are 100% correct. When you were born you weren't handed a manual on how to run your brain. Yet, today, science has given us so much information on how our brains work that it startling how much we know now about our brains compared to let's say 25 years ago. Modern-day science has coined the phrase Neuro-Plasticity. The nerve or neural pathways in our brain are constantly being renewed and or repaired enabling us to learn and to continue to learn. Similarly, if you consider some of the unwanted behaviour you currently indulge in, is a learned behaviour. Guess what? If you learned that unwanted behaviour, Yes you can learn something new, something that is way more expressive of the true You, to unleash that creative capacity of your mind so that you thrive and express yourself to the fullest. To learn new beliefs, leaving behind the old jaded beliefs that have held you back for so long now. Being much calmer with the capacity to make that breakthrough, that shift, you have desired for, so many years now. And your relationships become way more expressive and meaningful. You don't have to take my word for it. Many eminent scientists attest to the plasticity of the Human mind. Your Mind. Where change happens. Is that something you'd like to do? I know you're going to say yes. You'd be crazy to not want to make those changes, all for the better, Now! Ok so, I want to make you aware of a great bunch of Professional and ethical people who can help you. Let me introduce you to the European Association of Professional Hypnotherapists. As the name suggests, they are based in Europe, for now, mostly Ireland and the UK. Many work online, so you have the peace of mind that you' --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast: