They say that life is all about focus, what you focus on is what you get.
Perhaps there is some truth in that expression. Consider if all you are focussing on is depressing thoughts or you continually allow yourself to be in the presence of negative and or toxic people: how do you think you will be feeling ?
Imagine being in a dark room and all you had to help yourself was a torch and you focus the torch on what you want, and you want to find is the exit to emerge into the light and safety. You focus on the outcome.
Or consider, just imagine holding a think sheet of paper in front of one eye and the paper has a pin prick in the centre . Just staring thru the pin prick you probably cant see much. Restricted vision, this can be very frustrating and depressing. Are you doing this on a daily basis?
Imagine also tearing open that pin prick hole to reveal all that is behind the paper, all the resources that's available to you, the sights, the colour, perhaps something that you never fully realised that's available to you right now.
Focus on what you need, having your needs met. Shine your light and direct your attention to that which gives you positivity and resources.
Be Powerful.
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