Learn the rapid and fast way to use your imagination to achieve much more than your ever thought possible!
One of the most powerful aspects and or agencies of your mind is the capacity to imagine - your imagination. Your imagination can take you to places far away and you can experience sights and sounds and even smells and can be completely immersed in an alter reality.
Your imagination has the ability to put you totally at ease or to scare the living daylights out of you!
However, there are many useful life enhancing ways in which you use you imagination. Many of you maybe familiar with the lemon test. Ok, let's try this short experiment. If you are driving a car or operating machinery or in a place where you need to focus or concentrate, please do not participate in this little experiment. Only participate when it is safe to do so.
Close your eyes and imagine that right in front of you is a large yellow lemon and you can take it up in your hand and smells it. Now, imagine taking knife and imagine slicing into the lemon. See the lemon juice dribbling out of the lemon, smell it and perhaps also as you slice into the lemon you can imagine and see the volatility of the lemon oil squirting into the air. The room smells of lemons. Again smell it, take it deep into your nostrils.
Have you noticed now that your mouth is salivating?
It's easy to demonstrate to power of the imagination.
So where am I going with all of this. The creativity of your imagination can be used in many other constructive ways to help you become more motivated and to help you achieve goals.
Using the power of your imagination you can go into the future where you have achieved what you set out to achieve and its now complete.
For a few moments, perhaps there is something that you want to achieve, something thats been on your mind for quite some time and you're not sure how to even get started.
Again, be in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Closed your eyes. Now, imagine going to a specific time in the future where you have completed the project, your goal. Just imagine going out of your body to that place where it's done, it's complete, achieved. It's important that you are there looking out through your own eyes, seeing what you're seeing and hearing the sounds. Just look at the faces of the people as they smile at you, the colours and the sounds surrounding you. And as your're there, now, just imagine turning around and looking back to where you started from, back to the now, and notice how everything has co-operated together to conspire you help you achieve your goals and if there are any obstacles, they are easily overcome and notice how much you are learning, now? Just enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you have now done it.
The above can be used as a powerful motivational exercise to realistically help you to be more motivated.
What you imagine often becomes what is real for you. Your unconscious mind cannot differentiate between your imagination and your reality. Use it for your well being and begin taking control of your own destiny.
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