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May 25, 2022

Session 34 - Smoke As Much As You Like!

Session 34 - Smoke As Much As You Like!
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Aidan Noone, Creator of the Neuro-Easy Way. “Empowering mind and body solutions for unstoppable transformation.”

If you are a smoker, there's just one thing I want you to take away from this short audio podcast, and that one thing is that you are FREE to smoke as much as you want and as often as you want.

And yet isn't it strange that when you take a flight, whether it be a short or long haul flight that you remain smoke-free during the time spent in the airport before the flight and during the flight.

Or when you go to bed at night you don't wake up in the nighttime to smoke!  There has to be something to all this?   Apart from the fact that smoking is now prohibited in many public buildings, smokers are able to last the time duration in smoke-free zones without any appreciable anxiety.  You don't see many emergencies arising just because someone can't smoke for a number of hours.  As a smoker, you last the duration.

You see to smoke you must truly love it and to become a non-smoker you must truly want to. Only when you want to. You have that choice.  The scare-mongering tactics don't work, like showing the horrific pictures, we all know what they look like. In fact, they have the opposite effect.

No one is taking a gun to your head and forcing you to smoke. Just think about that.

Just think about all of this. Just imagine that you could prolong the times when you are unable to smoke, you have chosen to remain smoke-free during these times, and as I say prolong the smoke-free period much, much longer than you ever thought possible?

Would that be of any benefit to you? What are you choosing to achieve during these periods?

You are making the choice.  Think about that.

I'll have lots more to say about being smoke-free in forthcoming podcasts and I sincerely hope you will benefit.

That's all for now, I'm Aidan Noone, thank you for listening and if you like I'll talk again to you tomorrow. Take care and bye, bye for now.

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