As a human being you have a vast store house of learnings and happenings, indeed resources, from your birth right up to now. You may not be consciously aware of these resources and yet, there they are stored in your unconscious mind.
Right inside your mind you have an infinite storage of a wealth of knowledge and intuition. Have you ever been mulling over a problem and constantly trying to solve that problem, perhaps consciously spending hours if not days doing so.
Then one night you go to bed and you dream and in that dream, your subconscious presents to you the solution to your problem. It does so, sometimes, in the most vivid way. So there you are you've wrecked your brain trying to solve that problem and all the time your subconscious mind already had the answer. Perhaps there's some truth in the saying, "take a break and get out of your own way" Go do something different to what you've been doing.
When you do so you suddenly arrive at the answer. Or when you sleep on a problem you get the answer - almost by magic. You have a vast storehouse of infinite knowledge and creativity thats there ready to be accessed.
That creative part of your mind can be accessed by using hypnosis. You simply access the hypnotic state, whilst hypnosis is not relaxation, you may experience relaxation in the hypnotic state and again you may not experience relaxation.
Thats not really the important part of what we are talking about. It's accessing that creative intuitive part thats important and asking that part to provide to you the solution to that problem you have been trying to solve, in its own time,
You are presented with the answer. . Hypnosis is that powerful tool to help you access that infinite well of wisdom and creativity right inside you.
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