Just think about it, isn't it time to get rid of that no can-do mindset, The I'm not as good as others mindset. The truth be known, there will always be slimmer/fatter / taller /shorter/ better looking/ less better looking people/ wealthy /less wealthy/ earn more money/earn less money people. Accept that you are all that is necessary, right now, right at this moment. That right at tis moment in time you are in the right place with the right resources, possessing all that is necessary to live the life you are living. However, because of the unstoppable creative abundant mind we all possess there will always be options available to us. Discovering for yourself that right inside you, you have a portal, a door way that is currently locked, or just not quite as clear as you'd like it to be in order to access it, to open it and break thru to where you want to be. Remember, where you want to be, you may already be there. You just may not be currently fully conscious of it. That may sound a bit strange or weird. Have you heard the expression, never look a gift horse in the mouth? Go discover, enjoy, savour, delight in the unique person that you are. There is no one else like you on this earth.
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