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Sept. 21, 2024

Session 106 - Mind Over Gut - A Guide to Managing IBS with Hypnotherapy

Session 106 - Mind Over Gut - A Guide to Managing IBS with Hypnotherapy

Understanding Stress and IBS:

How do you think stress affects IBS, and why might hypnotherapy be effective in managing stress levels?

Exploring Hypnotherapy's Mechanism:

Aidan mentions that "hypnosis isn't relaxation itself, it's the gateway that leads you there." How would you interpret this statement, and what implications does it have for IBS treatment?

Impact of Mental Baggage:

Do you agree that clearing out negative thoughts and emotional baggage can positively impact IBS symptoms? Why or why not?

Identifying Triggers:

How crucial is it to identify specific triggers of IBS, and how might hypnotherapy assist in neutralizing these triggers?

Role of Progressive Relaxation and Visualization:

What are the benefits of progressive muscle relaxation and visualization in managing IBS, according to Aidan Noone?

Gut-Brain Connection:

How does hypnotherapy target the communication between the gut and the brain, and why is this important for managing IBS?

Scientific Validation:

Aidan refers to various scientific studies supporting hypnotherapy for IBS. Which type of evidence presented (clinical studies, meta-analyses, fMRI studies) do you find most convincing and why?

Long-term Benefits:

Given that some studies indicate lasting effects of hypnotherapy, what are the implications for individuals with chronic IBS in terms of treatment planning?

Real-life Transformations:

How do personal success stories (like those of Sarah, Mark, and Emily) influence your perception of hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for IBS?

First Steps:

Aidan mentions an ebook available on his website to help listeners explore hypnotherapy further. What are some initial steps you might consider taking to learn more about hypnotherapy for IBS?

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Aidan Noone

FREE e-Book on IBS at

Hello and welcome to another enlightening episode of the Global Hypnosis Hypnotherapy podcast with your host, Aidan Noone.

In today's show, we're diving into a ground breaking approach for managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) through the power of hypnotherapy. If you're one of the millions battling the stress, frustration, and exhaustion that come with IBS, this episode is specially crafted for you.

We'll explore how hypnotherapy taps into the mind-body connection to drastically reduce stress, reframe the perception of pain, pinpoint specific triggers, and enhance gut function.

Backed by compelling scientific research and real-life success stories, we're here to show you how hypnotherapy can pave the way for lasting relief and a better quality of life.

So stay tuned as we delve into Mind Over Gut: A Guide to Managing IBS with Hypnotherapy. Your journey to a life free from IBS-related constraints starts right now.



Aidan Noone [00:00:00]:
Hello, and welcome back to another edition of the Global Hypnosis Hypnotherapy podcast. Today, we're pulling back the curtains on something that's changing lives, hypnotherapy for IBS. Now if you're battling IBS, you already know it's more than just a physical issue. It's stress, frustration, and even exhaustion. But if there but what if there was a way to take back control? A method that taps into the mind body connection. Rewires your system and finally brings you relief. Would that be of any use to you? That's where hypnotherapy comes in and today we're not just going to talk about what it is. We're going to dig into exactly how it works.

Aidan Noone [00:00:56]:
The hypnotic key to IBS relief, and that's what we're going to talk about. Let's take number 1. Stress reduction is the starting point. Here's how. Stress is the fuel that feeds the fire of IBS. Hypnotherapy taps into your subconscious mind pulling the plug on stress and unleashing a wave of relaxation into your system. But here's the kicker. Hypnosis isn't exact isn't relaxation itself.

Aidan Noone [00:01:33]:
It's the gateway that leads you there. And the bottom line is when stress levels drop, your IBS flare ups calm down. It's as simple as that. I'm sure you've noticed that yourself in your own life. Number 2, rewiring your mind with positive suggestions. Here's how we're going to do that. We all have mental baggage. But when you're dealing with IBS, negative thoughts about your condition only make it worse.

Aidan Noone [00:02:07]:
Hypnotherapy clears out the clutter, Those past emotions, fears, and nagging thoughts gets rid of them. We replace them with powerful, positive, life enhancing suggestions positive suggestions. Now the bottom line is you must you start perceiving discomfort differently. Instead of dreading the next bout of pain, you control it. It's like flipping a switch. Yes. Number 3, nailing down your specific triggers. Here's how.

Aidan Noone [00:02:48]:
IPS isn't a one size fits all issue. Hypnotherapy zooms in on your specific triggers whether it's stress, anxiety or even certain foods and neutralizes them. The bottom line is imagine walking into situations that used to set off your IBS. Walking in there with confidence, it's a game changer for you. Your life changes. Number 4, the power of progressive relaxation and visualization. Here's how. Hypnotherapy incorporates techniques like progressive muscle relaxation and visualization designed to help you hit the reset button on both your mind and your body.

Aidan Noone [00:03:43]:
The bottom line is better gut function, less discomfort, and more control. Would that be of any use to you? Number 5. Rewiring the gut brain connection. Here's how we're going to do that. IBS isn't just in your gut. It's in your mind too. Hypnotherapy targets the gut brain access, rewiring the way these two systems communicate. The bottom line, a healthier gut brain connection means fewer symptoms and a lot more freedom to enjoy life.

Aidan Noone [00:04:30]:
And the science backs it up. Let's get serious for a second. Hypnotherapy for IBS isn't just some feel good trick. It's grounded in science, Research based. Number 1. The clinical studies tell the story. Research by experts like shows gut directed hypnotherapy dramatically reduces IBS symptoms like pain, bloating, and irregular bowel habits. Number 2, long term relief.

Aidan Noone [00:05:13]:
Unlike quick fixes that fade, hypnotherapy delivers lasting results. Some studies report that relief can stick around for years after retreatment after therapy. And number 3, the meta analysis for the win. Review after review of multiple studies highlights that hypnotherapy often outshines standard medical treatments. Patients report clients report that better symptom control and overall satisfaction is what they experience. Number 4. The fMRI studies show the brain's transformation. Cutting edge functional MRI scans reveal what's really happening in the brain during hypnosis, your hypnosis.

Aidan Noone [00:06:11]:
You can see it right there, changes in the way the brain regulates pain and stress. Number 5, real life stories of transformation. If you want proof, just listen to Sarah, to Mark, and Emily's stories. Names changed, of course, for confidentiality. They battled IBS, felt the frustration, and found life changing relief with hypnotherapy. These are not just testimonials. They're transformations. So here's the deal.

Aidan Noone [00:06:50]:
Hypnotherapy is more than just a method. It's a powerful tool for rewiring the mind body connection, giving you back control over your life, over your health. It taps into the subconscious mind, reduces stress, reframes your perceptions of pain, and strengthens the gut brain axis. These are all key factors in managing IBS. So don't miss out on your chance to explore these techniques further. Download my ebook, harmony within relief from hypnotherapy, which is available on my website,, and take the first step towards lasting relief. Thanks for joining me here today on the on this episode of the Global Hypnotherapy hypnosis podcast. IBS doesn't have to control your life.

Aidan Noone [00:07:57]:
Relief is there for you, so stay tuned for more tips, real life stories, and insights into how you too can manage your IBS with confidence and with ease. Until next time. Remember, your journey to relief is just beginning. So together, let's walk that. Thanks for watching and listening. Bye bye for now. Until next time. Take care.